Re-Mind Courses

William Todd is an award winning self-help author, speaker, and mentor who has dedicated his career to helping people nurture their ability to create leadership in others.

William has the privilege of being personally mentored by thought leader Bob Proctor who was featured in the blockbuster hit "The Secret” and appeared in the movie THINK: The Legacy of Think and Grow Rich

The Re-Mind App is proud to partner with William to give users access to his life-changing 21-Day Mentoring Program. 


“The Re-Mind App is the ‘Mentor in Your Pocket.’ It makes changing your life as easy as checking your email.”

— William Todd


William Todd’s 21-Day Mentoring Program 

The 21-Day Mentoring Program is based on the hard-learned lessons and unbelievable rewards William Todd gained from his mentoring relationship with one of the world’s premier mentors, Bob Proctor.

Over the 21 days, you’ll learn how to use the Seven Levels of Consciousness to gain and sustain balance. You’ll also learn more about Auto Suggestion and how to harness the power of repetition to change your attitude and your life.

William’s 21-Day Mentoring Program goes hand-in-hand with the Re-Mind App’s methodology to help you get more out of the platform and supercharge your results. 

Try it for yourself. Download the Re-Mind App now for free access to the first course in William Todd’s 21-Day Mentoring Program.